Let’s start with spreads

So, my first ever blog post. I’m gradually getting the hang of blocks and such – formatting blog posts is a bit more involved than I expected it to be. Hopefully in a day or two, this will have all the expected parts that work in the expected way. In the meantime, I’m going to start you all off with a few highlights of my spread collection.

I’ve been haunting Instagram for a bit over a year I think. So many deck creators, so many interesting spreads and challenges and ideas and inspiration. Far too much fun, all in all, but at least in this case my hoard is virtual so I don’t have to figure out where to put them all.

Note, I own none of these. The ones without names on them, I’m not even sure where the person who posted them got them. I’m just sharing them in case you all find them useful or interesting.

This one is my favorite:

If I were capable of getting up in the morning reliably, I would use it every day.

Now we have two deck interview spreads, one for tarot, one for oracle. My practice is to do whichever of these is appropriate soon after opening a new deck, then set the deck aside for (at least) 24 hours to rest and settle in before using it again.

This next one is great for when you’re in a bad mood. A bit profane, but that might be seen as a bonus.

And here we have one to cheer you up. Granted, it is almost a given that I’ll get the five of Pentacles or three of Swords in the central position, because I swear all my decks are laughing at me.
This is always useful, especially since there’s no “boot to the head” card. I wouldn’t put it past my decks to spontaneously generate one, though.
And another nice self-care spread.
One to know thyself.
And self care with axolotl. Everything’s better with axolotls, right? Well, except Animal Crossing, but let’s not go there.

So there we are, a few interesting spreads, hopefully a nice start. Tomorrow I’ll kick off the deck review series, starting with my three oldest decks. Hope to see you then.

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